You can now apply directly online. Click "Apply Now" and you wil be redirected to our Online Application Portal.
Alternitvely, please find below link to our application form.

When applying to become a prospective tenant for a rental property please ensure you have copies of the following identification.
- Employment contract, payslips and employer contact details
- Bank statements
- References and contact details from previous landlords
- Photocopies of several items of personal identification
- Our Property Real estate Manager typically expect '100 points' worth of personal ID with the rental application to be considered.
Primary ID with photo - 30 points
- Proof of Age card
- Passport - either Australian or from another country
- Australian drivers licence
- Rental Ledger - Mandatory
- Payslip - Mandatory
Secondary Identification - 20 points
- Birth certificate (original or copy)
- Australian Citizenship Certificate
- Council rate notice
- ATO Tax Return
- Medicare card
- Australian bank or credit union statement (not an ATM slip)
- Bank ATM card
- Credit card
Supplementary ID - 10 points
- Gas/electricity bill
- Telephone bill
- Vehicle registration certificate
- Private healthcare card
- Degree, diploma or higher education certificate
- Employer/security ID card
- Marriage certificate
- OSR land tax assessment notice